Trip to the spring show

Published in Personal History

In the early 1970s when my dad was five years old, my granddad and granny brought him along with his two younger brothers and his younger sister to the spring show in Dublin which was held on the grounds of the Royal Dublin Society.

To go up to the show my dad had to get up at 4:30 so he would be ready to leave at five o’clock. My dad recalls being very excited for going to the show and also because it was his first trip to Dublin. They set of for Dublin around five o’clock in a Woolsey which had none of the commodities of the modern day car no seat belts and no radio just the bare minimum. My dad also recalls playing games in the back seat with his younger brothers trying pass the time and he also remembers having to stop on numerous occasions because of someone in the car feeling sick from driving on the twisty roads to Dublin. When they reached the RDS around 10:30 they ate sandwiches in the car park before they went in to the show. As they entered my dad remembers being amazed by the size of the crowd and seeing all the machinery and animals on display. On the way home my dad was so tired he slept the whole way home. They arrived back home again around 11 o’clock that night.

Nigel Lindsay has given permission for their name to be published on the history Ireland website.

Kyle Lindsay


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