Irish History Students’ Association

Published in Issue 4 (Winter 1998), News, News, Volume 6

Nineteen ninety-nine brings with it the rejuvenation of the IrishHistory Students’ Association. The IHSA has been bringing historystudents together from all parts of Ireland since the 1950s, primarilythrough its annual conference. This year’s conference will be held from19-21 February 1999 at the Queen’s University of Belfast. This will bea student-oriented affair which allows Irish history students to get toknow each other in a social as well as an academic atmosphere.Undergraduates and postgraduates from various universities and collegeswill present papers on several aspects of Irish history, and there willbe a strong emphasis on fun, including a wine reception, a historicalpub crawl, a conference dinner and other nocturnal activities. In thepast the IHSA conference has given many of our influential historianstheir first experience of speaking in public, often leading topublication in the IHSA journal, Retrospect. This year’s Retrospectwill include papers read at the conference as well as other articlesand features.
Enquiries: Conference Secretariat, IHSA, c/o School of Modern History,The Queen’s University of Belfast, BT7 1NN, e-mail:


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