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The Standing Council of Irish Chiefs and Chieftains and The Clans of Ireland (Fínte na hÉireann) in association with the History Department of Trinity College, Dublin, and History Ireland magazine, are offering a prize of €500 for the winning entrant in an essay competition on Gaelic Ireland.
Entry is open to all persons over 18 years who are NOT on the academic staff of a history department in any third-level institution.
Essays must be on a topic dealing with any aspect of the political, social or cultural history of Gaelic Ireland (within the date range AD 400–1690), such as Irish kingship, lordship, landholding, genealogy, family history etc. The essay should be approximately 2,000 words in length and accompanied by full footnote references to sources used, with a bibliography at the end (footnotes and bibliography will not be counted as part of the word length). It may be written in English or Irish.
Entries, with candidate’s name, address and contact details, should be emailed (preferably) as an attached MS-Word file to: or posted to:

‘Chiefs’ and Clans’ Prize’
c/o Katharine Simms,
History Department,
School of Histories and Humanities,
Trinity College Dublin,
Dublin 2, Republic of Ireland
To arrive by 1st June 2016

The prize will only be awarded for an entry deemed to be of publishable standard. Subject to editorial approval, a version of the paper will appear in a subsequent issue of History Ireland. Both the winner and other entrants whose papers are deemed of publishable standard may be invited to contribute their work to a projected volume of essays on Gaelic Ireland, which is a central goal of the Council of Chiefs and Chieftains and Clans of Ireland competition.
For further details, see


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