Bohs photos

Published in 20th-century / Contemporary History, General, Issue 6 (Nov/Dec 2011), Letters, Volume 19

Bohs photos 1Sir,—Ciaran Murray’s article (HI 19.5, Sept./Oct. 2011) on the photograph that he acquired of the successful Bohemians team of 1929/30 was of great interest to me because I have three other photographs of Bohs teams from the same period. All the photographs were taken by Keogh Bros studios on Dorset Street; all have the same mounting; and all have the same background of a corrugated building, presumably the old dressing rooms, a.k.a. ‘the hut’. One photo is of the Bohs team that won the Leinster Junior Cup 1928–9, together with three officials. Another is of the team that won the Metropolitan Cup in 1929–30. This must have been a more important trophy because there are five officials in the group. The third photo (above) is of the team that won the Irish Free State Intermediate Cup and the Leinster Senior League Division One. This was even more important because it included ten officials! Among these are J.L. Wickham and Dr W.F. Hooper. The photos came into my possession through my wife, whose father, Arthur Dagg, is in each of the photographs as a member of the successful teams. So, it appears that Bohs’ success at the highest level in football in those years was matched by other Bohs teams at a slightly lower level.—Yours etc.,DAVID EVANS




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