American Civil War

Published in 18th–19th - Century History, Issue 1 (Spring 1997), Letters, Letters, Volume 5

Sir,—I note your recent article on ‘The American Civil War and IrishNationalism’ (HI 4.2, Summer 1996). Your readers may be interested toknow that there is a re-enactment regiment of the American Civil Warcurrently recruiting in Ireland, North and South. The 28thMassachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment was the fourth regiment ofthe Irish Brigade which fought on the Union side, and was composedmainly of Irish immigrants from the Boston area. Formed for some time,it is one of the regiments in the Southern Skirmish Association(SOSKAN) based in England and has only recently started to recruit inIreland. We carry a reproduction of the 28th Massachusetts’ regimentalcolour, a harp and sunburst on a green background.
Our first event in Ireland was a small affair on 4 July 1996 in theUlster American Folk Park in Omagh, but this year it is hoped to bringover more than 100 re-enactors to stage events in the Folk Park overthe 4 July weekend and also to take part in the 4 July parade inBelfast. I am the recruiting sergeant for Ireland so if any readers areinterested in re-enacting this period of history, either as Union orConfederate, they are welcome to contact me.—Yours etc.,

25 Princetown Road
Co. Down


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